Ok got it working I followed the instructions on https://github.com/bridgecommand/bc/blob/master/CompilingLinuxAndMac.txt
taken from the above .........
1) Change directory to ./libs/Irrlicht/irrlicht-svn/source/Irrlicht
2) Run 'make' to compile irrlicht (1.9 from svn plus minor changes for Bridge Command)
3) cd back to this directory
4) Run 'make' to compile Bridge Command
(Additional steps are optional to build the additional programs - you can now run ./bridgecommand-bc)
5) cd to ./controller
6) Run 'make' to compile the Map Controller, and cd ..
7) cd to ./editor
Run 'make' to compile the Scenario editor, and cd ..
9) cd to ./iniEditor
10) Run 'make' to compile the Settings editor, and cd ..
11) cd to ./launcher
12) Run 'make' to compile the launcher, and cd ..
13) Run ./bridgecommand to start the simulator.
Works well on fedora 25 and seems to run a lot smoother than on windows on the same hardware (dual boot older laptop)