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Author Topic: Google earth on bridge command  (Read 9808 times)

March 21, 2022, 07:49:09 PM
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Is there any way to put a area of google earth in 3d as scenario for bridge command. If so please send a detailed procedure.
We really need it.

March 21, 2022, 10:54:18 PM
Reply #1
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Unfortunately it isn't as simple as just importing from Google Maps. The technical specification for the world models is at, but I am making some of the technical requirements easier (not needing exact sizes for the heightmaps etc).

As an overview, you need a heightmap. This combines the land and underwater heights, generally a greyscale image. For the land elevations, there is now a fair amount of information available, for example the Tangrams heightmapper ( Bathymetry data is generally harder to find, but for the Venice Lagoon (which I think is your area of interest), it looks like there is a good survey at

These would then need to be combined into a single heightmap, containing the above and below water elevations, and you then tell Bridge Command about the Lat/Long of the South West point, as well as the size in decimal degrees (East/West and North/South).

Land objects (churches etc) can be added from their lat/long positions, as well as buoys etc.

I'm very happy to guide you through the process and help, but this would be over the next weeks/months, rather the next few days. I'm also actively working on making the world model building process simpler, as it is probably the most complicated part of using the program.
