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Author Topic: Azimuth drives - own ship  (Read 27652 times)

August 11, 2019, 12:36:44 PM
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I'm experimenting with this at the moment.  It will involve a fair amount of code rewrite but should be useable as a data structure for more flexibility of control surfaces

November 16, 2022, 06:17:30 PM
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What's an azipod ? a propellor that can be rotated through 360 degrees (sometimes only 180) which gives steering and thrust function without a rudder.  They are common on tugs and other very maneouverable vessels.

As Ive been a bit busy havent made any contributions lately  I have a bit of time now, so I'm going to have a go at modelling azipods

Effectively the "rudder" will go through the full 360

Props only turn in one direction, so reverse is done by setting the azipod at an azimuth of 180 degrees

with respect to modelling azipods I've been looking at
OwnShip.cpp  update
modelling two azipods
Tp, Ts Thrust port and starboard respectively
Tsa = Ts cos (Aza) // Thrust Starboard pod axial = Thrust starboard * cos (Azimuth starboard)
Tst = Ts sin (Aza) // Thrust Starboard pod athwartships
smilarly port pod
Prop walk could be modelled as a force in the plane of each propellor but resolved according to the Azimuth of the pod

Some sort of "efficiency" could be modelled to simulate the reduction of effectiveness due to prop wash interacting with the hull and other pod

I think some sort of estimate of position of the pivot point would be necessary too based on a function of speed through the water, this would also aid the modelling of the response of bowthrusters.

any comments suggestions welcome

November 16, 2022, 06:32:48 PM
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I'm thinking of defining a new
controlMode == MODE_AZIPOD
as it may be cleaner than a series of if azipod on many of the lines