Hi Marvin,
Yes, one of the main sources of data for elevation maps is SRTM data, which can be downloaded from http://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/. In addition, for the USA, the NGDC Coastal Relief Model (http://ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/coastal/startcrm.htm) is a very good data set which combines land elevation with sub-sea bathymetry for the US continental shelf.
Since I have last worked with these data sets, the data formats available have changed, so I need to investigate further what tools are available to convert the data into BMP format, suitable to load into Bridge Command. I will look into this over the weekend and post an update here.
In the UK, the Ordnance Survey have recently released a reasonably high resolution digital elevation map (Land-Form PANORAMA on https://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/opendatadownload/products.html) under their OpenData licence. However, this is referenced to the UK National Grid, so I am currently looking at how to re-process this into a latitude/longitude format using WGS84, the standard datum used by modern charts and gps.
Once you have your heightmap in an image format, you can also generate a texture image to display on the terrain when it is loaded in the program, which should be the same image size as the heightmap. For this I currently use L3DT (http://www.bundysoft.com/L3DT/).
The radar image file is now only used as a map in the scenario editor and map controller, as the radar image is simulated directly from the terrain. Therefore I normally use the same image as the land texture.
I will report back on tools to convert the available datasets into a bitmap image,
James Packer