Bridge Command 4.1 - Documentation index
Current versions
Previous versions
- Tutorial 1: The basics
- Tutorial 2: The weather
- Tutorial 3: The radar
- Tutorial 4: Running interactive exercises
- Tutorial 5: Multi-screen simulation
Using the programmes
- Using Bridge Command: A general introduction
- Using the scenario writer: A guide to the scenario writer program
- Using the Map Controller: A guide to the Map Controller
- Using the Replayer: A guide to the exercise replayer
- Configuration: Setting Bridge Command's options (full screen/windowed etc)
File specifications
- The .ini file format: The general specification of the .ini file format used by Bridge Command
- Scenario specification: The specification of the scenario format
- World model specification: The specification of the environment model format
- Defining new ship models: How to make new ship models available for use in Bridge Command (See also the list of avaliable models below)
- Ship models available: The own ship and other ship models distributed with Bridge Command for use in scenarios
- Using real throttles and a wheel: How you can use physical controls for your ship
- Making a controller How to make your own physical controls
- Using the World Editor How to use the World Editor to add buoys and buoy lights to a world model