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Messages - shadow

Pages: [1]
Bug reports / Re: Bug reports
« on: May 28, 2024, 11:16:58 AM »
Thanks so much :)

All of the screens load correctly initially and seem to run as expected for anywhere up to 60s. The radar repeat seems to go out of sync pretty quickly, then the networked display repeat also goes out of sync. This seems to lose all position/sim data and runs almost as if it's headless.
The rudder/compass repeat, running on the same computer as the networked display repeat, seems to mostly stay in sync to within a second or two.

Hope this helps! Thanks for looking into it :)

Bug reports / Re: Bug reports
« on: May 24, 2024, 12:34:49 AM »
Hi! Have really been enjoying using your software.

I have noticed that when using multiple networked computers on a LAN, displays running in networked multiplayer mode can start laggy. Quickly these become unusable, freezing, then move surrounding vessels in different positions - not delayed but on different courses to the main simulation. Additionally, the ship behaves as if it's not controlled on the networked multiplayer displays. Interestingly commands such as change camera still work when this is the case. Could this be an issue with TCP/UDP packets or is it likely a misconfiguration on my part? I know of a friend with the same issue. Any help would be very appreciated :)

Pages: [1]